Amsterdam, Netherlands
Fintech and Regulation
05 July - 19 July 2025
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Business & Entrepreneurship
23 June - 25 July 2025
Copenhagen Business School
7.5 EC
820 EUR
In this course, students will learn about the complex and interrelated factors shaping how top executives make labyrinthine decisions and the role of corporate governance bodies in shaping and influencing top executives’ decision-making processes.
Specifically, building on students’ basic knowledge previously acquired from introductory (and possibly even advanced) finance and accounting courses, students in this course will learn how several complex and interrelated factors such as the personal characteristics, biases, personality, relationship, power dynamics of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), Top Management Team (TMT) members, and directors sitting on the supervisory boards can explain complex firm-level outcomes, such as strategic investments, acquisitions, diversification, corporate social responsibility, and even financial fraud and illegal practices.
Moreover, students will learn to directly apply their theoretical knowledge from the course to critically evaluate and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of top leaders’ decision-making process and the corporate governance mechanisms, meant to ensure a better alignment of the interests between managers and shareholders. A particular focus will also be given on how top managers can make bad decisions that can negatively affect several stakeholders, and how corporate governance mechanisms can sometimes fail and lead to scandals, such as Enron, Volkswagen, and Theranos. This course will examine the internal and external problems behind such management failures and scandals. Students will also take a closer look at the current state of the art of corporate governance practices of firms, primarily large corporations, but also smaller firms, and their effects on the firms’ strategic decisions and performance.
Pedagogically, the main focus of this course would be to identify, understand, disentangle, and critically analyze the complex and interrelated drivers guiding top managers and boards of directors when interacting and making decisions that can have significant (long-lasting) effects on several stakeholders.
The learning objectives of this course will be closely related to the assessment format. Leveraging the Nordic Nine and all six types of learning outcomes identified in Bloom’s taxonomy (i.e., from bottom to top: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating), students will build knowledge and learn skills by means of recent top-notch research and hands-on exercises and cases to use when critically analyze real complex decisions and ethical dilemmas. The in-class and team exercises based on (mini-)cases throughout this course are propaedeutic to the final project and closely guide the students towards all four learning objectives.
Each session is structured to allow as much interaction as possible between the students and the instructor(s). Thus, students are strongly encouraged to ask questions as this will offer them and their fellow students the opportunity to learn from each other while addressing their curiosity on several topics. Examples of interactions beyond asking questions include the in-class discussions of “hot topics” and business cases. The in-class discussions of “hot topics” in the field of strategic leadership and corporate governance are meant to sparkle a moderated group conversation and debate. The cases covered in this course will offer students the opportunity to directly apply the course material and train for the final exam. Embracing the continuous learning approach, students will receive feedback on the first two team exercises from an instructor and peer feedback on the other two cases. The team exercises based on the cases are helpful training for the individual project.
Ilaria Orlando
This is a graduate level course. CBS Summer University courses at Copenhagen Business School is open to all and welcomes domestic and international students as well as professionals.
820 EUR, EU/EEA/Swiss nationals
2000 EUR, Non-EU nationals
23 June - 25 July 2025
Copenhagen Business School
7.5 EC
Amsterdam, Netherlands
05 July - 19 July 2025
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Copenhagen, Denmark
24 June - 10 July 2025
7.5 EC
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Nantes, France
16 June - 20 June 2025
4.0 EC
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