Barcelona, Spain
Queering Demography: A Critical Overview of Demographic Studies and Methods
29 September - 03 October 2025
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Social Sciences
12 August - 16 August 2024
Summer School in Social Sciences Methods
Università della Svizzera italiana
0.0 EC
700 CHF
Workshop contents and objectives
We introduce the properties of panel data as a special case of pooled cross-sectional data and discuss how to prepare panel data for panel analysis. We then present different analysis methods, focusing on identifying causal effects. Participants will learn to understand the mechanism behind the different approaches and to assess the advantages and limitations of different panel models, given their specific research questions and data.
Workshop design
In both the morning and the afternoon sessions, we first present theory and application examples using presentation mode (ppt) and provide prepared hands-on exercises. Alternatively, students can work with their own data. As there are two instructors, there will be time available to discuss and solve individual problems.
Detailed lecture plan (daily schedule)
Day 1.
Morning: Introducing Panel data and example data (based on the Swiss Household Panel).
Afternoon: Panel data preparation, explore data, descriptive analysis, attrition analysis, variance decomposition.
Day 2.
Morning: Regression models with panel data: Pooled OLS, pooled logistic regression, change-score models.
Afternoon: Approaching causality with panel data using Fixed Effects and First Difference models.
Day 3.
Multilevel models with panel data: Random effects, Hybrid model.
Day 4.
Morning: Multilevel model for growth.
Afternoon: Possibility for participants to present and discuss their research project, or data analysis in the group.
Day 5.
Morning: Outlook to additional panel models: Cross-lagged models, dynamic models, missing data.
Afternoon: Wrap-up and discussion/question round.
Class materials
The compendium “Stata Data Management”, which provides an introduction into panel data analysis based on data from the Swiss Household Panel.
Prepared student data sets with example syntax and exercises. Power Point presentations.
A selection of application examples of panel data analysis from scientific journals in social science (sociology, psychology, economics and political science).
We will use the Stata software and assume some knowledge of Stata with cross-sectional data. For students not sufficiently proficient in Stata we offer an online two-day preparatory course shortly before the workshop introducing Stata. We will also provide syntax for R users for those who wish to work with R, but we will only discuss syntax in Stata.
Oliver Lipps & Ursina Kuhn
graduate students, doctoral researchers, early career researchers, experienced researchers
700 CHF, Reduced fee: 700 Swiss Francs per weekly workshop for students/postdoctoral researchers (requires proof of student/postdoc status).* Reduced Fee To qualify for the reduced fee, you are required to send a copy of an official document that certifies your current student status or a letter from your supervisor stating your actual position as a doctoral or postdoctoral researcher. Send this letter/document by e-mail to *These fees also include participation in one of the preliminary workshops (a 2/3-day workshop preceding the Summer School). The registration fee for the Preliminary workshop booked on its own is 200 CHF.
1100 CHF, Normal fee: 1100 Swiss Francs per weekly workshop for all others.* *These fees also include participation in one of the preliminary workshops (a 2/3-day workshop preceding the Summer School). The registration fee for the Preliminary workshop booked on its own is 200 CHF.
12 August - 16 August 2024
Summer School in Social Sciences Methods
Università della Svizzera italiana
0.0 EC
Barcelona, Spain
29 September - 03 October 2025
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Brno, Czech Republic
13 July - 26 July 2025
4 EC
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Southampton, United Kingdom
05 July - 13 July 2025
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