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BIOREVOLUTION. 10 days Intensive Course in Design, Art, Craft, Science and Gastronomy


28 July - 06 August 2017


MAD International Summer School of Design


Non-profit organization








0.0 EC


350 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
BIOREVOLUTION. 10 days Intensive Course in Design, Art, Craft, Science and Gastronomy


Engineers have turned biology into a design discipline, and it is up to us whether we will know how to use it. Nowadays at home we can biologically grow our own food, fuel, medicines, fragrances, mushrooms, various fibers and other materials and matters. The world is changing from the paradigm of technical objects to that of biological systems — MAD 2017 combines them into one.

MAD 2017 focuses on traditional and urban farming. The methods of the traditional farming are expensive, and the cultivable land is limited. Already in the near future it will not be able to provide mankind with sufficient amounts of nutrients necessary for its existence.

During MAD 2017 the 19th century Sigulda castle will be turned into an indoor farming workshop, where six work groups will seek practical solutions for world’s overpopulation and nutritional problems.

Course leader

TUTORS: Furniture designer Anny Wang and architect Tim Söderström WANG & SÖDERSTRÖM (DK) Designers Oskar Peet and Sophie Mensen OS ∆ OOS (NL) Scientist and concept developer Xiamyra Daal WAAG SOCIETY (NL) Designers Katharina Mischer and Elisa Polner M

Target group

- You have completed at least one year of bachelor degree studies — in a design, art, architecture or science program, or you are graduate of upper level secondary education school with specialization in design.
- Professionals

Course aim

In this work MAD brings together designers, artists, craftsmen and scientists – people who are unlikely to meet under different circumstances. Theories and hypotheses are tested in practice, creating new things and experiences, friendships and interactions that will continue well after the summer school. Physical work is essential for a wholesome human existence and physical and mental development. Only creative activity forms new values. MAD embraces soft definitions of design and art, creating useful and aesthetic objects during irresistible authentic work process.

Fee info


350 EUR, The fee covers: - access to MAD teachers, lecturers, craftsman and mentors; - access to 5 workshops and a variety of materials and technologies; - participation in all workshops, lectures, master classes; - accommodation in Krimulda castle in rooms with shared facilities; - breakfast, lunch and dinner; - shuttle bus from Riga to Krimulda castle and back. - field trip.



28 July - 06 August 2017


MAD International Summer School of Design


Non-profit organization




0.0 EC

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