Nottingham, United Kingdom
Well-being Masterclass: Discovering and Applying the Science of Positive Psychology
21 July - 01 August 2025
5 EC
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Social Sciences
11 August - 15 August 2025
Summer School in Social Sciences Methods
Università della Svizzera italiana
0.0 EC
700 CHF
Workshop contents and objectives
This course provides PhD students with a comprehensive understanding of the key terminologies, applications, and variations of grounded theory, with a focus on developing skills for conducting qualitative research that contributes to theorizing. Students will engage with both foundational and contemporary approaches, learning how to apply grounded theory techniques to their own research projects and how to critically analyze and interpret data using these methods.
Workshop design
A mix of lectures, group work, classroom readings, and other in-class activities.
Detailed lecture plan (daily schedule)
Day 1
Introduction to grounded theory
Historical development and theoretical foundations
Overview of key techniques used in grounded theory research
Application of grounded theory across different research fields
Glaserian grounded theory
Deep dive into the Glaserian approach: Core concepts, coding procedures, and theory development
The constant comparative method, theoretical sampling, and memo writing
Application of the Glaserian approach to qualitative data analysis
Discussing strengths and challenges in implementing the Glaserian methodology
Day 2 Glaserian grounded theory (Continued)
Straussian grounded theory
Transition to the Straussian approach: Key differences and developments from Glaser
The role of axial coding, open coding, and selective coding
Application of Strauss's methods in structuring grounded theory research
Comparison between Glaserian and Straussian approaches
Day 3 Straussian grounded theory (Continued)
Constructivist grounded theory
Introduction to Constructivist grounded theory: A critical evolution of the method
How Constructivist grounded theory addresses researcher subjectivity and the co-construction of data
Techniques for integrating reflexivity into the research process
Practical application of Constructivist methods in diverse research contexts
Day 4 Constructivist grounded theory (Continued)
Ethical considerations: Participant confidentiality, data interpretation, and power dynamics
How to incorporate ethical frameworks into grounded theory research design and analysis
Day 5
Student presentations
Students will present their research proposals or findings, using grounded theory methods
Peer feedback and group discussion on the application of grounded theory approaches in diverse research topics
Facilitated discussion on challenges faced during the implementation of grounded theory methods
Writing a grounded theory report
Structuring and writing a grounded theory report: From data to theory
Final reflections on the practicalities and challenges of writing grounded theory-based research papers
Class materials
The analyses will be conducted mainly on qualitative interview data. The instructor will be providing some such data to the students for analyses. The students are also encouraged to bring their own interview data to the class if they have collected any.
**The Summer School cannot grant credits. We only deliver a Certificate of Participation, i.e. we certify your attendance.**
If you consider using Summer School workshops to obtain credits (ECTS), you will have to investigate at your home institution (contact the person/institute responsible for your degree) to find out whether they recognise the Summer School, how many credits can be earned from a workshop/course with roughly 35 hours of teaching, no graded work, and no exams.
Make sure to investigate this matter before registering if this is important to you.
Dr Lakshmi Balachandran Nair is a Senior Assistant Professor (Senior Researcher) at the Department of Business and Management at LUISS Guido Carli University, Italy.
graduate students, doctoral researchers, early career researchers
This is an intermediate level course. The students are expected to have a general idea of qualitative research (i.e. how to formulate a research question, how to collect interview data etc.)
700 CHF, Reduced fee: 700 Swiss Francs per weekly workshop for students (requires proof of student status). To qualify for the reduced fee, you are required to send a copy of an official document that certifies your current student status or a letter from your supervisor stating your actual position as a doctoral or postdoctoral researcher. Send this letter/document by e-mail to methodssummerschool@usi.ch.
1100 CHF, Normal fee: 1100 Swiss Francs per weekly workshop for all others.
11 August - 15 August 2025
Summer School in Social Sciences Methods
Università della Svizzera italiana
0.0 EC
Nottingham, United Kingdom
21 July - 01 August 2025
5 EC
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Amsterdam, Netherlands
26 June - 16 July 2025
6 EC
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Colchester, United Kingdom
24 March - 28 March 2025
4.0 EC
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