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Social Sciences

Confronting Digital Capitalism


04 September - 07 September 2024


Bicocca Summer and Winter School


University of Milano-Bicocca








0.0 EC


500 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Confronting Digital Capitalism


The spectre of digital capitalism is haunting the world. The challenges and problems posed by recent developments in digital technology - AI being just one of the most blatant examples - have now taken centre stage in public debate, scientific research, and in the political agendas of international institutions. In this conjuncture, thinking through the technical and political implications of the digital revolution has become increasingly urgent. How does digital capitalism reconfigure our life as a whole? What is the impact of digital technology on human labour? How does it restructure the public sphere? What are the consequences of this new scenario for emancipatory politics? The third edition of the Lake Como Summer School in Critical Theory of Society will gather scholars of renowned reputation to discuss these issues from different perspectives

Course leader

Director of the Summer School: Vittorio Morfino, University of Milano-Bicocca Joint director: Stefano Pippa, University of Milano-Bicocca Joint director: Gianluca Pozzoni, University of Milano-Statale

Target group

Admission is open to post-graduate students and early-career researchers who have a strong interest in critical thinking and share the aims of the summer school. The summer school can host up to 24 participants. Due to the limited number of available places, prospective participants are requested to submit a formal application and will only be admitted after they have successfully passed a selection process.

Course aim

The Summer School aims to provide students with the opportunity to gain in-depth and cutting-edge knowledge on issues concerning digital technology in relation to contemporary capitalism. The main objective is to create an international and cross-disciplinary environment of research exchange that can contribute to fostering new original projects on the topic. In addition to this, the Summer School will contribute to the following objectives:

Expand the outreach of existing university programmes;
Develop networking opportunities for graduate students and early-career researchers;
Encourage the construction of an inter-university network on the topics of the Summer School.

Fee info


500 EUR, Including access to all summer school activities, lunch boxes, and coffee or tea for the entire duration of the summer school.



04 September - 07 September 2024


Bicocca Summer and Winter School


University of Milano-Bicocca




0.0 EC

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