Lugano, Switzerland
The Practice of Survey Design and Implementation
18 August - 22 August 2025
1 EC
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Social Sciences
08 July - 08 July 2024
University of Groningen Summer Schools
University of Groningen
0.0 EC
560 EUR
Do your stakeholders question the relevance and evidence behind diversity, biases, and change? This one-day course provides an introduction to the latest insights from neuroscience, intercultural communication and DEI practices.
You will understand how to confront biases and use effective change management techniques that are rooted in “hard science” — and better help those you work with do the same.
In addition to cognitive discussions about key concepts and frameworks from neuroscience, we explore real-world cases and practice interactive activities that support positive change. Whether you have a science background or not, join this workshop for new insights to use in your daily and strategic workplace interactions.
Why should you attend?
Stemming from applied neuroscience, this course provides fundamental, hands-on cutting edge knowledge and skill-building that helps you better understand how the brain works and how you can implement it in your professional life and influence those you work with.
The faculty member, Dr. Mai Nguyen, has advanced specialization in neuroscience in addition to intercultural communication in the workplace as well as classroom/campus/learning environments.
Using a “hard science” based evidence approach, this course offers an opportunity to think critically on working across diversity and intercultural communication to make personal changes for more effective communication. Additionally, the course provides activities and insights on bias management, diversity & inclusion practices, change management and intercultural communication.
Dr. Mai Nguyen
Participant profile
This course is for you if you are — or are helping those who are —
● implementing or willing to implement diversity and inclusion initiatives within an organisation;
● providing training, or on-the-job professional development opportunities to help colleagues better communicate and collaborate across diversity;
● working with those who appreciate “hard science”-based evidence for making system-wide and (inter)personal change in an organisation.
Contact the organisers at ic@rug.nl or info@iddifferences.org if you have questions about the suitability of this course for your circumstances.
It is expected that the participants have a sufficient command of the English language to actively participate in the discussions and to present their own work in English.
Level requirements
The DAD is for multipliers who help individuals, organizations and societies better recognize, appreciate and use differences as a way of better communicating, working and thriving together.
These are (in-house and external) trainers, educators, consultants, coaches, researchers, scholars, facilitators, HR staff, advanced-level (MA+) students, and professional development specialists with 5+ years of experience/study in the greater Differences field. Contact the organisers at ic@rug.nl or info@iddifferences.org for consultation about appropriateness and eligibility.
It is expected that the participants have a sufficient command of the English language to actively participate in the discussions and to present their own work in English.
After this course you —and those you work with— will be able to:
● Critically appreciate neuroscience myths and realities and how the former may be erroneously incorporated into mainstream practices in the workplace and otherwise.
● Articulate the fundamentals of neuroscience, including neuroplasticity, neurogenesis and epigenetics.
● Understand cultural neuroscience connections, i.e. those between culture, cultural values, and acculturalisation with genes and brain using an interdisciplinary approach that fosters the potential of a multicultural mind.
● Apply insights from neuroscience to understand and work with biases and change management.
560 EUR, includes course and materials, optional evening programming
08 July - 08 July 2024
University of Groningen Summer Schools
University of Groningen
0.0 EC
Lugano, Switzerland
18 August - 22 August 2025
1 EC
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Lugano, Switzerland
11 August - 15 August 2025
0.0 EC
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Barcelona, Spain
14 July - 01 August 2025
6 EC
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