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Political Science

Energy Policy & Security of the EU


14 July - 27 July 2024


Masaryk University


Masaryk University




Czech Republic




4.0 EC


1200 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Energy Policy & Security of the EU
Top course
Energy Policy & Security of the EU


Energy transition, skyrocketing prices of energy, reliance on imports from authoritarian and openly hostile regimes, weaponization of energy supplies, energy poverty, social aspects of energy use, or looming impoverishment of once proud coal regions.

These are just a few examples of the major challenges faced by many countries around the world, including the European Union. The summer school thoroughly examines both recent and long-term developments, plans, and policies of the EU influenced by the development of the global energy environment.

With 8 teachers covering the different topics, students are exposed to a wide range of considerations into holistically understanding what it takes to create energy policy, and the perceived effect on the industrial and social sectors. Misunderstanding of differences and specifics in different EU regions creates unnecessary friction and may result in disputes. Therefore, the summer school focuses on stressing the multidisciplinary nature of the topic.

This course specifically looks at the case of the Czech Republic and Central/Eastern Europe, highlighting how this region must balance EU policy, with the logistics of the region.

Don't miss the opportunity to discuss energy issues with Vaclav Bartuska, the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affair's Special Envoy for Energy Security, and a session on supply security and geopolitics led by James Henderson, Director of Natural Gas Programme of the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.

This programme is designed as a part of our Intensive 2 Week Summer School, where multiple courses from a wide variety of Masaryk University study programmes and departments will be offered. These courses will be arranged in an intensive and dynamic form, each working day there will be an academic session. In the afternoon and evenings students come together from across disciplines to enjoy everything Brno has to offer!

In addition to the academics, daily cultural and social programming will be offered, including the option of a one-day excursion to Vienna.

Course leader

Tomáš Vlček, Filip Černoch, Jan Osička, Lenka Martínková, Martin Jirušek, James Henderson, Hedvika Koďousková, Lukáš Lehotský

Target group

This course is targeted for bachelor, master and PhD students. The curriculum requires no specific previous knowledge, and all information is presented in non-technical language. Students of all fields and degrees are welcome. The teachers will finalize the design of the course based on the final student demographics.

Course aim

Introduction to the program and project:

1) EU Energy Policy principles I (F. Černoch)

2) EU Energy Policy principles II (F. Černoch)

3) Introduction to EU electricity market I (J. Osička)

4) Introduction to EU electricity market II (J. Osička)

5) Energy transition in the European Union I (J. Osička)

6) Energy transition in the European Union II (J. Osička)

7) CEE region: specifics and characteristics (M. Jirušek)

8) External dimension of the European energy policy (M. Jirušek)

9) Energy Crisis in Europe: Cause, Manifestation and Solution (T. Vlček)

10) Oil supply patterns in the CEE (T. Vlček)

11) Russian oil in the EU (J. Henderson)

12) Russian gas in the EU (J. Henderson)

13) Energy Security in the wartime (V. Bartuška)

14) The nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear fuel supply patterns in CEE (T. Vlček)

15) Gas supply patterns in the CEE (M. Jirušek)

16) Energy poverty in the EU: causes, circumstances and consequences (H. Koďousková)

17) From energy poverty to energy vulnerability: lessons learned from Czechia (H. Koďousková)

18) Energy efficiency and savings (L. Lehotský)

19) Coal phase out in Europe (L. Lehotský)

20) Project presentations, discussion and wrap-up (L. Martínková)

Fee info


1200 EUR, The cost breakdowns as follows: - Tuition fees - Accommodation in Brno (14-27 July) - Breakfast - Orientation - Daily cultural and social activities including welcome and farewell receptions - Day trip to Vienna - 24/7 support Students should budget an additional €200-500 depending on their spending habits for food (lunch, dinner) and other expenses.


1100 EUR, €100 discount for students from partner universities



14 July - 27 July 2024


Masaryk University


Masaryk University




4.0 EC

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