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Cultural Studies

European Encounters


08 July - 02 August 2024


Utrecht Summer School


Utrecht University








8.0 EC


1675 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
European Encounters
Top course


This track is a joint programme on European integration by the Utrecht University’s Summer School and the University of Latvia. The aim of the course is to introduce the diversity and unity of European Identities, the European Union, (shared) foreign policy and new challenges. The course will dive into the different and diverse identities that can be found in Europe, and provide insight into Estonia, going from the past to the future.

The first two weeks will be offered by Utrecht University in the Netherlands, where you will take a deep dive into European Politics and Economy. The European Union (EU) is a political partnership between 28 democratic European countries. With almost 500 million citizens, it has become a major player in global politics. In this course, the European Union is the main object of study. You will be introduced to the Union's history, institutional structures, current aims and future challenges. Lectures will explain the historical background and the various stages of integration.

The second two weeks will be offered from Riga, Latvia. During this time, you will discover what happens when a small country has big neighbouring countries. How far do their influences stretch? Besides impacting the history and culture of a country, what other effects occur? You will explore topics such as business ethics and corruption, humour as a communication tool, manipulation of social groups, emotions and their impact on large groups, influence of music, the history and cultural heritage of the Russian Old Believers, the Soviet ethnic policy and its consequences for Latvia.

Please note: This track is a joint programme on European integration of Utrecht University’s Summer School and the University of Latvia. Students will receive two transcripts of records, one issued by Utrecht University and one issued by the University of Latvia.

Course leader

R. Biasillo & S. Struberga

Target group

This programme is especially designed for students coming from countries outside Europe (but is open to all students). The course has a focus on political and economical sciences, with emphasis on European institutions and integration.

Course aim

The aim of this track is to introduce non-European students to the continent of Europe, through exploration of multiple topics such as culture, economy and politics.

Fee info


1675 EUR, Course + course materials


450 EUR, Housing (optional) In Latvia, housing will not be arranged for you. Students have to look for their own accommodation. If you are interested, please contact the University of Latvia, and they will provide you with a list of several options. The housing costs are expected to be about € 300 (the approximate price for fourteen days in the city of Riga).



08 July - 02 August 2024


Utrecht Summer School


Utrecht University




8.0 EC

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