Venice, Italy
Exploring Nucleic Acids: from Biophysics to Molecular Biology
22 September - 26 September 2025
2 EC
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Natural Sciences
23 June - 11 July 2025
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
6.0 EC
930 EUR
The course has a high practical content to explore the Mediterranean biodiversity, that include trips to Costa Brava and work in the field. Therefore, student is required to have swimming skills and to bring adequate equipment for working in the sea and in the field (appropriate clothing and footwear).
Based on a fictitious project call, the student will learn the steps to follow to create a project. At the same time, the student will conduct fieldwork and laboratory work/practices to analyze the processes of sampling, logistics and the expected potential results, in order to draft a project based on one of the study methodologies provided. Furthermore, the student will learn concepts about habitats and biodiversity associated with the sampling performed during the course.
This course take place in four scenarios: in the classroom, in the field, in the laboratory and in the computer room. In the classroom, theoretical knowledge of terrestrial sampling and marine sampling associated to different organisms and habitats will be exposed, and the factors that regulate them will be introduced. In the field (both in marine and terrestrial ecosystems), the student will practice some sampling techniques to know different groups of organisms or habitats. A special emphasis will be placed on analyzing the sampling process, logistics and the potential results, in order to design the project. In the laboratory, the samples obtained in the field will be analyzed, and again, the student will deepen in the process, the logistics and the analysis of potential results. In the computer room, from the theoretical 4 concepts and practical work (field and laboratory), students could search information to design and draft the project proposal. The project proposed by the student will be a free theme to in stimulate creativity, but it must satisfy the basis of the project call
Ana Morton, Xavier Munill, Maria Font and Marta Martín FlixUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona/ Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)
The UAB Barcelona Summer School is open to standing local and international undergraduates and graduates students. International students who have been accomplished the first year of their undergraduate or at least the 50% of their first year credits at their home university could also be enroled at the programme. A working knowledge of the language instruction is highly recommended.
This course aims at introducing the student to process of the creation of a research project based on field sampling techniques (marine and terrestrial fieldwork). The specific objectives of this practical course are to learn the process of creating a scientific project; to learn techniques of sampling in marine and terrestrial ecosystems; and, to acquire knowledge of marine and terrestrial biodiversity in the Mediterranean and to know the possible factors that condition them.
The course has a high practical content to explore the Mediterranean biodiversity, that include trips to Costa Brava and work in the field. Therefore, student is required to have swimming skills and to bring adequate equipment for working in the sea and in the field (appropriate clothing and footwear).
Based on a fictitious project call, the student will learn the steps to follow to create a project. At the same time, student will conduct fieldwork and laboratory work/practices to analyze the processes of sampling, logistics and the expected potential results, in order to draft a project based on one of the study methodologies provided. Furthermore, student will learn concepts about habitats and biodiversity associated with the sampling performed during the course.
This course take place in four scenarios: in the classroom, in the field, in the laboratory and in the computer room. In the classroom, theoretical knowledge of terrestrial sampling and marine sampling associated to different organisms and habitats will be exposed, and the factors that regulate them will be introduced. In the field (both in marine and terrestrial ecosystems), the student will practice some sampling techniques to know different groups of organisms or habitats. A special emphasis will be placed on analyzing the sampling process, logistics and the potential results, in order to design the project. In the laboratory, the samples obtained in the field will be analyzed, and again, student will deepen in the process, the logistics and the analysis of potential results. In the computer room, from the theoretical concepts and practical work (field and laboratory), students could search information to design and draft the project proposal. The project proposed by the student will be a free theme to stimulate creativity, but it must satisfy the basis of the project call.
930 EUR, The course fee for international and national students (non-UAB students) is € 910 but those who register before May 15th will get 20% discount.
23 June - 11 July 2025
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
6.0 EC
Venice, Italy
22 September - 26 September 2025
2 EC
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Brighton, United Kingdom
28 July - 22 August 2025
15.0 EC
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Angers, France
23 June - 28 June 2025
3 EC
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