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Business & Entrepreneurship

Future Proof Port


24 July - 06 August 2016


Jungle Gym Learning: Urban Innovation


Erasmus University Rotterdam








3.0 EC


950 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Future Proof Port


The best professors combined with real executive challenges from Rotterdam’s most innovative businesses, in fully accredited Erasmus University summer schools. Together with Jungle Gym Learning, Port of Rotterdam (Port Authority) and RHV (Erasmus School of Economics: Research Institute for Urban, Port and Transport Economics), you will conduct research on and develop strategies for a future proof port. Besides the academic and professional activities mentioned above, an extensive social program is included.

The Port of Rotterdam is by far Europe’s largest port. It connects local businesses to the world’s markets - from Singapore and Shanghai to New York, Los Angeles and Munich. But it has to position itself in the heart of the new economy, to stay in leading position. The pillars of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: circularity and digitalisation therefore have to gain ground. Big open data and smart IT solutions challenge the way we think about ports, for instance in terms of transit and logistics. When the Port becomes one big Internet of Things, who is in control of what? Will there still be a Port Authority?

This transition opens up a vast amount of possibilities for new ways of making. It requires new skills in a changing labour market and new urban hotspots for innovation. This all happens in the Rotterdam Innovation District at the very moment. The relocation of port operations to the West has created space at the RDM Rotterdam and in the Merwe-Vierhavens area for a rapidly growing innovation ecosystem for the smart manufacturing industry based on digital and circular models.

In a two-day Executive Challenge powered by The Rotterdam Port Authority participants are challenged to develop a strategy for the Rotterdam Innovation District. That makes the Port of Rotterdam Europe’s most future proof port!

Course leader

Prof. Frank van Oort & Martijn van der Horst

Target group

The course is open to students with a completed Bachelor degree, Master students, PhD candidates and young professionals (0-5 years of working experience) with an interest in innovation, strategy, branding, regional economics and urban development.

Course aim

The course program is a combination of lectures, expert keynotes and group work, all related to an executive challenge facilitated by the case-partner. Please visit our website for more information

Fee info


950 EUR, Excl. Housing


1399 EUR, Incl. Housing



24 July - 06 August 2016


Jungle Gym Learning: Urban Innovation


Erasmus University Rotterdam




3.0 EC

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