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Business & Entrepreneurship

International Trade Law Practice under the World Trade Organisation (Brussels, Luxembourg, Strasbourg and Geneva)


08 July - 19 July 2019


Institute for European Studies – Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles


Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles








5.0 EC


650 EUR


Participants will have the opportunity to travel from Brussels through Luxembourg and Strasbourg to Geneva, getting acquainted with the functioning of European and International organisations. Participants will visit the European Court of Justice, the European Parliament, the European Court of Human Rights and the World Trade organisation (WTO). During their journey, they will have the opportunity to meet key figures in the field of EU law and WTO litigation, including judges, practitioners and officials.

Target group

This Summer School is open to up to 40 participants: advanced students (who have completed at least the 2nd year of their degree), young graduates and professionals with a background in law, political science, economics, or any other field which bears a connection with EU and international business law.

All courses are taught in English. Even though applicants are not required to present an official certificate of language proficiency, they have to be fluent in English in order to follow the courses, actively participate in classroom discussions and interact with other participants.

Course aim

Each year students from all over the world come to Brussels for a unforgettable experience from an academic, social and cultural point of view. The first and third weeks of the programme provide an introduction to the EU legal system and to EU business law. They take place in Brussels, the capital of Belgium and political epicenter of the EU. A and multicultural European city, Brussels offers students a plethora of opportunities for social activities as well as an ideal launching point for travel within Europe.

The second week consists of a travel from Brussels through Luxembourg and Strasbourg to Geneva, a stunning city full of history and the home of numerous international organisations on the shores of lake Léman. During this week-trip, participants will visit several European and international organisations and get to meet leading figures in EU and WTO law.



08 July - 19 July 2019


Institute for European Studies – Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles


Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles




5.0 EC


650 EUR, Participants can either participate either in the whole Summer School or decide to drop week 1 or week 3. The registration fee

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