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Cultural Studies

Learning from local communities and local people embedded in global frames


07 September - 21 September 2019


Bicocca Summer and Winter School


University of Milano-Bicocca






3.0 EC


900 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Learning from local communities and local people embedded in global frames


The 2nd Edition of "Learning from local. Communities and Local People embedded in Global Frames" Summer School aims to promote a deeper understanding of the social changes that local people in India (and similarly all over the world) have to face in order to make globalization a good chance and not just something negative.

Lā€™India, considerata la piĆ¹ grande democrazia al mondo, si ĆØ trasformata negli ultimi decenni in uno dei paesi leader nellā€™Oceano Indiano. Eā€™ stata scelta come destinazione non solo per la crescente importanza geopolitica ma soprattutto per via della straordinaria ricchezza culturale dovuta anche alla vasta presenza di popolazioni ā€œtribaliā€, o ādivāsÄ«, che ammontano a piĆ¹ dellā€™8% della popolazione totale. Nonostante la sua crescente importanza a livello mondiale questa affascinante nazione rimane ancora ampiamente sconosciuta agli studenti italiani.
La Summer School si propone di offrire agli studenti una comprensione approfondita sul campo dei cambiamenti sociali che hanno investito alcune popolazioni e comunitĆ  locali sulla scia della decolonizzazione, per effetto delle politiche economiche dellā€™India indipendente e dei fenomeni legati alla globalizzazione.
La Summer School si svolgerĆ  a Calcutta, nel West Bengala, e a Mumbai.


The Summer School aims to strength studentā€™s capabilities with regard to the following points:

Different ways to organize social and cultural life;

Managing cultural diversity in complex contexts;

Critical awareness of NGOā€™s activities;

Direct experience of several processes of social, cultural and economics changes;

Ethnographic research projects;

The Summer School includes also visits to several places of main cultural and environmental interest, with regard to:

Anthropological issues;

Arts, local craft and immaterial heritage;

Tribal people rights;

Making of ā€œIndianā€ and local identity;

Sustainable tourism;

Microcredit projects;

Course leader

Prof. Vincenzo Matera

Target group

All students

Course aim

aims to promote a deeper understanding of the social changes that local people in India (and similarly all over the world) have to face in order to make globalization a good chance and not just something negative.

Fee info


900 EUR, fee includes lessons, living and transportation costs during the Stay in India. It doesn't include flights costs.



07 September - 21 September 2019


Bicocca Summer and Winter School


University of Milano-Bicocca




3.0 EC

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