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Cultural Studies

Methodological Intersections: Trier Digital Humanities Autumn School


28 September - 03 October 2015


Methodological Intersections: Trier Digital Humanities Autumn School


Trier University and the University of Luxembourg






0.0 EC


100 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Methodological Intersections: Trier Digital Humanities Autumn School


The Trier Center for Digital Humanities at Trier University and the University of Luxembourg invite PhD students and postdoctoral scholars to participate in our inaugural International Digital Humanities Autumn School. The autumn school will offer a six-day introduction in English to best practices in digital scholarship (curation, legal issues, methodology), to the interdisciplinary foundations of the Digital Humanities (philology, literary criticism, history, art history, etc.), and to commonly used DH methods, tools and technologies (digitization, document analysis and text encoding, text mining, Geodata, XQuery, visualization, enhanced publications, etc.). The autumn school will host more than twenty lecturers from academic and research institutions in England, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Scotland, Sweden, and Switzerland, who represent a wide diversity of expertise and career paths within the Digital Humanities. The school program consists of a three-day lecture series and a three-day workshop series, and includes a round table debate, poster presentations by researchers from the host institutions, a project brainstorming session.

Course leader

Manfred Thaller, Susan Schreibman. Harald Mueller, Tara Andrews, Fabio Ciotti, Georg Schelbert, Andreas Fickers, et al.

Target group

PhD students, postdoctoral scholars in the humanities and in computer science

Course aim

The program is designed to equip students with the necessary critical and technical competencies to initiate or develop a digital humanities project, and to provide a platform for future collaborations.

Fee info


100 EUR, registration fee



28 September - 03 October 2015


Methodological Intersections: Trier Digital Humanities Autumn School


Trier University and the University of Luxembourg


0.0 EC

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