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Political Science & Social Sciences

Migration and Integration: Refugees, Rights & Realities


20 January - 31 January 2025


University of Amsterdam Summer School


University of Amsterdam








4 EC


875 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Migration and Integration: Refugees, Rights & Realities


Millions of people around the world are forcibly displaced. But what are the intertwining factors causing these issues? What is the true impact of displacement on an individual? What does it mean to be labelled a “refugee”, and how can we become more understanding of the situation and lack of control refugees have in making decisions about their future? In this two-week programme, we will explore topics like this in depth and critically discuss current refugee crises which are happening around the globe today.

Challenges related to displacement, integration, and social exclusion continue to exist globally. In our online international classroom, we will discuss these global governance issues from diverse perspectives such as sociology, geopolitics, international refugee law and anthropology. We will focus on global politics, get an introduction in international refugee law and learn more about various state's responses to refugee influxes. We will look specifically into present and past displacement situations across the world, and dive deeper into the topic of integration of refugees as well as the gender angle in displacement.

This two-week online winter course will enable participants to understand better the context in which forced migration takes place, the social change this triggers in hosting communities and the efforts needed to successfully integrate refugees. The course will include lectures and open discussions with various experts in the field, both academic and professional, as we seek to find a balance between theory and practice.

Course leader

Dr. Evelien van Roemburg holds a PhD in International Refugee Law (2021, University of Amsterdam). She also has a Bachelors degree in law (LLB) from the University of Amsterdam (2006) and a Masters degree in law (LLM) from both The University of Amsterdam (2008) and Columbia Law School, New York City (2009). She also holds a Masters degree in political science (M.Sc.) of the University of Amsterdam (2010). She has been a lecturer at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Science at the University of Amsterdam, where she specialised in conflict studies, refugee studies and the United Nations. In the past years, she served as the Europe Migration Campaign Manager at Oxfam International, where she worked – together with her team – on influencing the EU and member states’ position and policies towards refugees. She is currently the head of Oxfam's EU office, based in Brussels.

Target group

This graduate level online course and workshop will bring together students and working professionals interested in the study of Migration from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds. Motivated 3rd and 4th year Bachelor students with special interest in the topic are also welcome to apply.

Course aim

Our programme is an intensive deep-dive into the study of migration in which a diverse set of participants from different backgrounds and fields learn from each other, as well as from experts at the UvA and many other key organisations and institutions within our network.

Students will be introduced to key issues in the legal, (geo)political, sociological and anthropological analysis of forced migration. The programme enables them to understand the contexts in which recent displacement worldwide is taking place, the political and legal responses to influx of refugees, the role and agency of refugees and their representatives, and the efforts needed to successfully integrate newcomers. By completing the course, the student is able to:
- understand and explain the legal context of international displacement;
- reflect on the different actors involved in global displacement (refugees, asylum seekers, other migrants, countries of origin, countries of first asylum, third countries, UNHCR, NGOs, refugee- and migrant-led organizations);
- critically discuss themes like responsibility sharing, integration, narratives on migration, and representation;
- incorporate a gender and agency lens in discussions around displacement;
- contribute to a community of interdisciplinary researchers and professionals around the world around the topic of displacement.

Fee info


875 EUR



20 January - 31 January 2025


University of Amsterdam Summer School


University of Amsterdam




4 EC

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