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Mind the Gap – Find the Gap – Bridge the Gap


09 September - 13 September 2024


International Doctoral Summer School


Berlin School of Economics and Law








0.0 EC

Please note: this course has already ended
Mind the Gap – Find the Gap – Bridge the Gap


The complex complementary relationship between academia and its practical application is a challenge for application-oriented research. PhD students from different international universities and universities of applied sciences are invited to reflect and discuss questions such as:
• Which approaches, discourses and challenges characterize the relationship between academia and its practical application?
• Which methods are particularly useful for practice-based research and how do I implement them skillfully?
• How do I succeed in ‘translating’ scientific findings into practice and society, and the reverse?
• How can I find my and advance my personal public speaking style?

The first HWR International Doctoral Summer School 2024 invites PhD students to reflect on and discuss these and other questions from an interdisciplinary perspective. It offers space to put the insights gained into practice immediately, in supervised writing periods or through methodological and scientific communication exercises. Participants also have the opportunity to receive subject-specific feedback on individual questions regarding their doctoral projects. The on-site meeting at HWR Campus Schöneberg will offer the opportunity for intensive exchange and joint experimentation, for networking and for discussions in a relaxed atmosphere.

Course leader

Dr. Katharina Maak-Castro Berlin School of Economics and Law Project “ProfKarriere” / HWR Research Department

Target group

The HWR International Doctoral Summer School is aimed at doctoral students from all disciplines who want to explore conceptual, methodological and scientific communication challenges typical of application-oriented or practice related research. It is particularly targeted at PhD students in the initial or middle phase of their doctoral project. In addition, participants at a later stage of their PhD, who are interested in and are looking to deepen their understanding of the topics mentioned above are also invited to join.

Course aim

The HWR International Doctoral Summer School with the topic “Application-oriented and practice-related research: Mind the Gap - Find the Gap - Bridge the Gap" invites PhD students to reflect on and discuss questions about suitable theories and methods for reducing the theory-practice gap and about suitable ways of communicating science. It offers space to put the insights gained into practice immediately, in supervised writing periods or through methodological and scientific communication exercises. Participants also have the opportunity to receive subject-specific feedback on individual questions regarding their doctoral projects. The on-site meeting at HWR Campus Schöneberg will offer the opportunity for intensive exchange and joint experimentation, for networking and for discussions in a relaxed atmosphere.



09 September - 13 September 2024


International Doctoral Summer School


Berlin School of Economics and Law




0.0 EC

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