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Performing Arts, Creative Arts and Design

Pedagogy of Culture and Music in Preschool and Primary Education


01 July - 12 July 2024


UoA Summer Schools


University of the Aegean








5.0 EC


300 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Pedagogy of Culture and Music in Preschool and Primary Education


The summer school allows participants to develop skills in both didactic planning and mastery approaches through activities based on fundamental theories of development, specifically motivational theories, positive psychology, and arts integration approaches. .
The goal is to strengthen, familiarize, and synthesize artistic creation through art programs, with the ultimate goal of fostering positive communication between children and teachers/pedagogues/animators, as well as increased mobilization for action and improvements in biosomatic, psychomotor, and aesthetic levels.

It is a comprehensive teaching package that incorporates the theory and organizes the particular knowledge subjects to be taught, as well as the psychopedagogical theories and teaching style to be used. At the completion of each course, participants are expected to be able to operate well in their educational settings, interpersonal connections, and coping with more particular personal issues. They will be able to utilize their body and voice fluently for social, professional, and academic objectives as they acquire acceptable communicative, physical, and sociocultural skills.

When students return to their communities, they are also required to broaden their understanding of more particular areas of Special Education and the Arts via participation in various cultural and academic activities. The Summer School strives to foster a learning community via intense contact and a focus on practice. Specific intended learning goals and associated learning activities have been defined for all participants, who may come from a variety of scientific backgrounds. The assessment will be carried out using a variety of methodologies (tests, quizzes, collective works, short artistic performances, open interactive workshops), depending on the trainees' interests and involvement in the program's educational activities.

The expected learning goals are outlined for each grade/level below:
• to teach more flexibly and effectively students with special educational needs and/or disabilities (Music specialty),
• to manage a school class in General and Special Schools (Music specialty),
• to create a relationship of sensitized teaching for specific forms of arts, and
• to use differentiated approaches to be effective.
• to design teaching approaches for cultural education,
• to understand the basic principles, goals, and methods of Music and Motor Education,
• to gain the necessary knowledge, skills, and confidence in the design and development of creativity environments and collaboration in small and large groups, in a specific space, and online,
• to self-assess and change the educational process based on children's growth;
• to reflect on topics that need to be investigated in the field of civilization.

Course leader

Maria Argyriou

Target group

PhD Candidates
Researchers/co-doctoral fellows

Fee info


300 EUR, Fee includes the cost of the course, books and the use of the classrooms


200 EUR, Participation for students



01 July - 12 July 2024


UoA Summer Schools


University of the Aegean




5.0 EC

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