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Recording Rock art Fieldwork


13 July - 31 July 2021


Recording Rock art Fieldwork


Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici








0.0 EC


150 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Recording Rock art Fieldwork


In the wonderful framework of the Landmarks Valley, recognized as UNESCO heritage since 1979, the Centro Camuno of Studi Preistorici organize the annual recording rock-art fieldwork aims at the documentation of the rock art in the middle Valcamonica. Following the previous recording fieldworks, also this year the works will continue in the area of Foppe di Nadro – Riserva naturale incisioni rupestri di Ceto, Cimbergo e Paspardo (Valcamonica – Italy) on the concession of the Soprintendenza Archeologia , Belle arti e Paesaggio.

The fieldwork will be structured on 3 weeks, it is required the participation to at least 2 weeks.
In the first week, mandatory for who has not experience in the rock-art recording, the participant will learn the necessary competences to document rock-art:
• Identification of the rocks and preparation of the surfaces.
• Placing of the tracing sheets in nylon and recording.
• Use of the total station, georeferencing of the rocks, elaboration of the data in GIS.
• Archaeological photography of the engraved rocks.
• 3D recordings of rocks and engravings (SfM).
• Digitization of the tracings, processing and recomposition with computer in laboratory.
• Catalogue, analysis and comparisons with archaeological sources.
• Post-processing of the data gathered.
• Seminars.

The activities of the fieldowork will start at 9 am of the 13 July, we advise to arrive the day before.

The application form, logistic informations and more details are available on the website

Course leader

Paolo Medici

Target group

The fieldwork is addresses to everyone, priority will be given to students and graduates in archaeology or anthropology, history and art history.

Course aim

The course has the aim to teach how to document rock art. The first week is mandatory for who has not experience in the rock-art recording, the participant will learn the necessary competences to record rock-art. The participants will lern to:
• Identification of the rocks and preparation of the surfaces.
• Placing of the tracing sheets in nylon and recording.
• Use of the total station, georeferencing of the rocks, elaboration of the data in GIS.
• Archaeological photography of the engraved rocks.
• 3D recordings of rocks and engravings (SfM).
• Digitization of the tracings, processing and recomposition with computer in laboratory.
• Catalogue, analysis and comparisons with archaeological sources.
• Post-processing of the data gathered.
• Seminars

Fee info


150 EUR, 110 € plus the inscription to Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (40 €)



13 July - 31 July 2021


Recording Rock art Fieldwork


Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici




0.0 EC

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