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Educational Sciences

Short course – Capacity building in the field of climate change adaptation


07 October - 08 October 2015


Climate-KIC Summer school


ETH Zurich






0.0 EC


800 EUR


This short course provides a systematic approach towards the topic of climate change adaptation. It will build up your capacity, enable you to exchange experience, and provide concrete support for making decisions and acting. Thematically the course will centre on climate change consequences/ knowledge, as well as on vulnerability, adaptive capacity and adaptation measures. Find out what these terms mean for you and your municipality and how you can deal with rising issues. This will be discussed with you on the basis of existing methods and tools and concrete examples from theory and, most importantly, practice.

Target group

Target group of this short-course are employees from European municipalities. The participant should have recently started or plan to become active in the field of adaptation to climate change in the near future.

Course aim

Exchange tangible ideas and problems in order to develop and discuss potential solutions
Work in an interactive and experience-based way in order to jointly develop suitable approaches
Learn about the key issues of climate change adaptation and profit from concrete support for decision making and acting.
Bring your own case study to discuss with the coaches, experts and fellow participants
Benefit from the combination of recent scientific findings with practitioner oriented case studies
Learn how to communicate effectively: How to implement the learned aspects and developed approaches back at the workplace? How to identify the right stakeholders for communicating the learnings?
Become part of an world-class network of professionals and researchers within the Climate-KIC community



07 October - 08 October 2015


Climate-KIC Summer school


ETH Zurich


0.0 EC


800 EUR, The full course fee for each 2-day course is €800 and covers: All programme activities Refreshments and lunch Group

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