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Summer School on Social Banking & Sustainable Finance


23 June - 28 June 2019


Summer School on Social Banking & Sustainable Finance


Institute for Social Banking








3.0 EC


470 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Summer School on Social Banking & Sustainable Finance


12th International Summer School on Social Banking & Sustainable Finance

Transforming finance. New roles for banks.

23rd to 28th June 2019 in Basel / Switzerland
partnered by Freie Gemeinschaftsbank

Transforming finance. New roles for banks.

By studying the basic principles and best practices of more than 40 years social and sustainable banking experience, you will be empowered to shape the roles of banks and the future of finance, and make sure that banking and finance is aligned with our challenges to create a sustainable society with human dignity at its core.

The Summer School will highlight the key principles for the lending side, the credit side and the supporting business of social banks. Experts will share best practices and explore the principles for a sustainable finance future. Participants will together explore the future challenges and the transformative potential for social and sustainable banks in particular and the financial sector in general and ask the question: what are new roles for banks -between power position and decentralized network?

Speakers such as expert practitioners from within the ISB member banks as well as from other background, offer their knowledge in workshops that allows participants to engage with each other and build a strong network, while experiencing the field of social banks and sustainable finance and the sectors that they are connected with.

In a week-long course participants engage in a profound exploration of the principles of social and sustainable banking and finance, and explore what those principles offer for society in the light of amongst others the Social Development Goals, the UNEP FI Principles for responsible banking and the implications of the EU action plan on sustainable finance.

Register here for our 12th International Summer School on Social Banking & Sustainable Finance.

Take advantage of our early bird offer and save 100 Euros (ends February 28th, 2019).


The “International Summer School on Social Banking & Sustainable Finance” is the annual international conference on social banking as well as sustainable and alternative finance. About 80 guests from 20 countries from social and sustainable banks, alternative financial institutions, traditional banks and other interested people such as students will explore insights into the opportunities and challenges, roots and characteristics of this rapidly evolving field, from both practitioners and academics.
We will focus on topics such as:

Context, core business activities, products, services and origins of Social Banks,
Recent and future developments in the context of Social Banking such as new business models (in the light of low interest margins, regulations & digitalisation),
Innovations in the context of Social Banking & Sustainable Finance,
International perspective: comparing and contrasting Social and Sustainable Banks,
Community financing, partnerships and collaboration.
We use a range of different methods:

Keynote, lectures, workshops, labs, finance fair, world cafe, open space, reflection, showcasing of projects / clients, networking, excursion,
A good mixture of academics and experts from the field to provide depth in content,
Reflecting on one’s practice,
Thinking out of the box,
Encouragement and guidance to explore creative resources (like drawing, acting or movement) as practical ways of artful knowing.
What will you learn?

Experience the spirit of social banking,
Learn about social banks and their roots, values, definition,
Get to know the international perspectives and work of social banking and finance,
Join an international movement,
Broaden your horizon and be inspired for your daily work.

Target group

Students, researchers, professionals from the financial & banking industry, NGO's, and public agencies.

Course aim

What will you learn?

Experience the spirit of social banking,
Learn about social banks and their roots, values, definition,
Get to know the international perspectives and work of social banking and finance,
Join an international movement,
Broaden your horizon and be inspired for your daily work.

Fee info


470 EUR, Students: 250 € (early bird: 150 €*) + 320 € Day Delegate Fee


970 EUR, Researcher / independent professional 750 € (early bird: 650 €*) + 320 € Day Delegate Fee Others: According to the balance sheet of the company.



23 June - 28 June 2019


Summer School on Social Banking & Sustainable Finance


Institute for Social Banking




3.0 EC

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