Institute for European Studies - Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles

Past courses

Jean Monnet Module in EU Environmental Policies and Law (POLLEN)

Jean Monnet Module in EU Environmental Policies and Law (POLLEN)

Jean Monnet Module in EU Environmental Policies and Law (POLLEN)

Jean Monnet Module in EU Environmental Policies and Law (POLLEN)

EU Business Law and WTO Trade Practice (Brussels, Luxembourg, Strasbourg & Geneva)

EU Business Law and WTO Trade Practice (Brussels, Strasbourg, Luxembourg & Geneva)

EU Business Law & WTO Trade Practice (Brussels, Strasbourg, Luxembourg & Geneva)

EU Business Law & WTO Trade Practice (Brussels, Strasbourg, Luxembourg & Geneva)

Introduction to the Legal System of the European Union (Brussels)

International Trade Law Practice under the World Trade Organisation (Brussels, Luxembourg, Strasbourg and Geneva)

International Trade Law Practice under the World Trade Organisation (Brussels, Luxembourg, Strasbourg and Geneva)

Aspects of EU Business Law (Brussels)