Past courses

New Teachers for New Competencies: Entrepreneurship, Network and Communication

Education for Sustainable Development

Intercultural Competences

New Teachers for New Competencies: Entrepreneurship, network and communication

Quality Management in Education and Training. ISO 9001 & ISO 29990

European Qualification Framework and ECVET

Evaluation and Quality Assurance in Education and Training

Stress-Free Schools and Classrooms

Intercultural Competencies

Building European Identity At Schools

Inclusive Education: Tackling with Classroom Diversity and Early School Leaving

Education for Sustainable Developement

New Teachers for New Competencies: Entrepreneurship, network and communication

Entrepreneurial, Networking and Communication Skills and Competences

Evaluation and Quality Assurance in Education and Training

European Qualification Framework and ECVET

Intercultural Competences

Innovative Teaching Methods

Game-Based Leanring

Creativity Lab

Designing CLIL- Content Intergrated Language Learning

ICT in Education

Quality Management in Education and Training. ISO 9001 & ISO 29990

Intercultural Competences

Education for Sustainable Development

The world, our Classroom: Museums and Cultural Landscapes