University of Bern Summer Schools

Past courses

Language and Migration

Cognitive Control and Consciousness: Behavioural and Neural Mechanisms

Frontiers of investment rule-making (in partnership with the University of Ottawa and the World Bank)

Making Markets Contestable – Exploring the Trade and Competition Interface

Globalisation on trial: anti-globalisation, trade, income inequality and human rights

Sustainable development in trade and investment agreements

Frontiers in intellectual property governance

Governance challenges in the digital economy

Trends in Organic Synthesis

High-resolution climate: observations, models and projections

Prognostic Research: From Basics to Modelling

Perspectives on Human Memory: Memory Functioning and Memory Failures

The Future of the Trade and Investment Regime

Power to X: Fundamentals and Applications of Modern Electrosynthesis

International Investment Law and Policy: Promotion, Protection and Facilitation

Climate Change and Migration

Middle Eastern Biology of Parasitism

Sustainable Migration

New Frontiers on Investor-State Dispute Settlement: From Arbitration to Courts, Prevention and Management of Disputes

Swiss Summer School 2018 in Chemical Biology

Earth system variability through time

Social Change and Sustainable Development

Gender and Space

WTO Law on Border Management and Trade Facilitation

WTO Law on Anti-Dumping and Safeguards Measures

WTO Law on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures

Latest Developments in International Investment Law and Dispute Settlement

Exoclimes Simulation Platform Summer School

Dealing with Uncertainty: Decision-Making and Memory Processes

Trade and Agriculture: New Challenges

Experimental Research in Accounting

Microbiomes in soil, plant, animal and human health. nternational PhD and Postdoc Summer School

The Masoretic Text, the Septuagint and Early Jewish Biblical Exegesis

Challenging the Sites of Knowledge. Medial and Pluri-Medial Configurations and Transformations

Tools to Assess Risk of Bias in Randomized and Non-Randomized Studies: Cochrane RoB 2 and ROBINS-I

Advanced methods in (Network) Meta-Analysis – A Practical Course in R

Causal Inference in Observational Epidemiology

Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis of Diagnostic Test Accuracy Studies

Digital Epidemiology and Participatory surveillance: Methods and Applications

Advanced Clinical Trial Design

Statistical Analysis with Missing Data Using Multiple Imputation and Inverse Probability Weighting

Parametric Competing Risks and Multi-state models

Working Memory

The Future is Sustainable – it's in our Hands!

Confronting Climate Change

Hidden Players in the Food Chain-Improving Health at the Interfaces Between Environment, Plants, Animals and Humans

Religious Conflicts and Coping Strategies – Rituals, Rhetorics, Regulations

Co-designing pathways for transformative change