Brno, Czech Republic

Methods of Microscopy in Archaeology

when 10 July 2022 - 23 July 2022
duration 2 weeks
credits 2 EC
fee EUR 400

The course is based on practical using of various types of microscope. It presents the range of microscopic
methods used in archaeology to collect analytical measurable data from the archaeological finds.
1. Theory - microscopy in archaeology. Methods, types of microscope, description and function of
microscope devices.
2. Practice – operation of various types of microscopes
3. Theory - Immerse method in lithic raw-materials determination
4. Practice - Determination of raw-material of lithics using Immerse method
5. Theory - the Use-wear methods
6. Practice - Use-wear analysis of lithic chipped tools
7. Practice - Use-wear analysis of bone and antler tools
8. Practice – Use-wear analysis of metal tools and artefacts
9. Theory - Micrometric analysis of metal work decoration
10. Theory and Practice – Microscopy of ceramics using thin sections and polished sections

Course leader

Ludmila Kaňáková, Markéta Havlíková, Anna Nováčková

Target group

There are no academic pre-requirements however the course is particularly suited for students of microscopy, archaeological finds and samples, origin, function

Course aim

This course falls under Masaryk University's 'Intensive Summer School'. Students will study their classes in the morning and in the afternoon be free to participate in social and cultural activities arranged in and around Brno.

Fee info

EUR 400: The full cost of this programme is €1000. The cost breakdowns as follows:

- tuition fees
- Accommodation in Brno (10-23 July)
- Opening and Closing receptions
- Culture activities around Brno
- Day trip to Prague or Vienna
- 24/7 support
- Social programme

A €100 discount is available for students from partner universities

Students should budget an additional €200-500 depending on their spending habits for food (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and fun "optional" activities in Brno.
EUR 350: discount for partner university students