London, United Kingdom

Psychology of City Life

when 15 June 2024 - 6 July 2024
language English
duration 3 weeks
credits 10 EC
fee GBP 1800

Level 5

This module aims to provide students with the opportunity to engage with a range of topics and issues in psychology that relate to growing up and living in or visiting a large global city such as London, England. It will bring together research and theory from a number of areas of psychology including social psychology, health psychology, cognitive psychology and forensic psychology. Topics include: Stress & Wellbeing; Crime & Aggression; Loneliness, Pro-social Behaviour and Resilience. Lectures will discuss recent research and seminars will provide students with practical activities, visualisation through documentaries and guided discussions related to each topic.

Fee info

GBP 1800: tuition only. Housing and Social Programme are separate and optional.