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Business & Entrepreneurship

Big Data & Business Analytics


12 June - 30 June 2023


TBS International Summer School


TBS Education








6.0 EC

Please note: this course has already ended
Big Data & Business Analytics


The explosive growth in the amount of data created in the world by humans and machines continues to accelerate. This data deluge coupled with a societal awareness of the strategic value of data, has engendered a global business paradigm shift: the advent of the data-driven business era. In this new data-driven business world, marketers need to incorporate data into their decision-making processes in order to gain a competitive edge by: interacting with customers in a more personalized and efficient manner, by designing products and services that perfectly match customers’ fast-changing needs and desires, but also by managing marketing and communication campaigns in real-time.
In other words, the data revolution goes way beyond the boundaries of a mere technological evolution, marketing professionals must get used to evolving in a volatile and fast changing business environment, and thus acquire new forms of expertise and skills that are at the junction of digital marketing innovation and analytics.

Target group

Bachelor students, 20-26 years old,

Course aim

• Understand the business reality that hides behind the term big data.
• Understand the specificities of the data-driven business era as well as data-driven
• Understanding how artificial intelligence will transform businesses
• Understanding how machine learning can help solve business problems
• Respond to a business problem using a data-driven approach (data-visualization and machine learning)
• Gain knowledge and skills in the domain of data visualization
• Understand and implement a marketing data-driven decision process
• Be able to answer a marketing problem using a (big) data visualization tool

Fee info


3600 EUR


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