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Film & Theatre

Directing Theatre


30 July - 03 August 2012


Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Summer Schools


Royal Conservatoire of Scotland




United Kingdom


0.0 EC


450 GBP

Throughout the course students will work with an experienced director to explore the art of directing, discover your own strengths and develop your individual directing style. Focusing on the key elements of directing for theatre, you will gain an insight into practical as well as creative activities that can support your work with actors. Individual and group activities will guide students through established directing styles and methodologies, looking at how different approaches can be used to create engaging theatre. Throughout the five-day course students will use extracts from selected classic and contemporary plays to explore text analysis, character development and staging. Aimed at those with some experience in theatre, but little or none of directing actors, this course will provide a supportive and challenging environment in which you can explore and learn. Additional teaching input will be available from School of Drama faculty members in specialist areas. Students will also be introduced to the director’s role and responsibilities with regard to the design and production process. You should be prepared to perform as actors within the closed environment of the workshop process. A full course outline can be found on our website.

Course leader

Hugh Hodgart Dean of Drama and Dance at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Hugh has been associated with the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland since 1985 as a guest director and acting teacher. He joined the staff full time in 1996 as Head of Acting

Target group

This five-day course is designed for people aged 17 plus and theatre professionals interested in developing skills in directing for theatre. It may be useful for anyone wishing to build on existing experience, pursue a pathway to further training or explore a career in this field.

Course aim

By the end of the course, students should have: • been introduced to the key aspects of directing for theatre • gained a greater understanding of text analysis, stagecraft and the production process • examined techniques for working with actors in a rehearsal process • explored established directing styles and methodologies



30 July - 03 August 2012


Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Summer Schools


Royal Conservatoire of Scotland


0.0 EC


450 GBP, 50% payment is required to book a place.

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