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Business & Entrepreneurship

Global Environmental Policy


31 August - 12 September 2014


Executive Summer School on Global Environmental Policy


University of Geneva






0.0 EC


6800 CHF

Please note: this course has already ended
Global Environmental Policy


The Executive Summer School provides, in the context of the unique International Geneva setting, a unique opportunity for participants to enlarge their competencies in order to address complex environmental issues. Today countries around the world aspire to have high-skill, high-value professionals that are part of knowledge societies and economies at global, regional and local levels. A unique feature of applied knowledge is that there are no limits to its growth, or its application to deal with challenges facing human societies in the 21st century. The Executive Summer School (ESS) on Global Environmental Policy explicitly links knowledge to policy definition and professional practice. The Executive Summer School takes place in the centre of international Geneva, one of the top global centres for multilateral diplomacy and the headquarters of many international governmental and non-governmental organizations. The course is hosted by the University of Geneva and the International Environment House. Application before 31st March 2013. Registration form (pdf) to be downloaded from

Course leader

Prof. Roderick J. Lawrence, GEPP Director, Institute of Environmental Sciences, University of Geneva

Target group

The Executive Summer School aims to bring together 30 selected participants with diverse origins and professional backgrounds. Participants include decision-makers from private and public sectors and non-governmental organisations, as well as academics and journalists. The diversity of profiles is aimed to create a dynamic community of expertise and foster cross-fertilisation. Young professionals involved in environmental issues are strongly encouraged to apply as the programme will open new perspectives and advance their career.

Course aim

The main objective of the Executive Summer School is to provide professionals with a broad training programme in order to bridge the common gap between scientific knowledge and professional expertise related to core environmental themes. The modules provide an intensive immersion in the latest political and scientific issues on the global environmental agenda. They link the scientific knowledge and practical negotiation techniques relevant to the development and implementation of both legal and voluntary international agreements.rnBeyond enlarging each participant’s knowledge base, the ESS is designed to enhance concrete decision-making, problem-solving and negotiation skills.

Fee info


6800 CHF, Participants are responsible for the organisation and payment of their visa, travel and accommodation.



31 August - 12 September 2014


Executive Summer School on Global Environmental Policy


University of Geneva


0.0 EC

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