Liverpool International Summer School

Past courses

Shakespeare, His World Our World

Connecting Tracks and Architectural Landmarks: Liverpool's Heritage Explored

Liverpool and its Music Industry

The Making of Black and White Working Class in Liverpool

Sustainable Development: Case Studies in Liverpool City

Developing a Global Green University Campus

Global Health Challenges: Navigating Current World Health Concerns

60s Culture: Beatles, Merseypoets and the Visual Arts in Liverpool

Liverpool’s Global Impact: A City of Cultural and Economic Transformations

Vikings in Britain

Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Business Ethics

An Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Supply Chain Management

Liverpool and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

Intercultural Leadership and Business

Bringing Business Strategy to Life

Who needs Hollywood? Liverpool in TV and Film Culture: 1973-2023

Football City: Sport and Culture in Liverpool

Leadership in Contemporary Business

Topical Conversations in Psychology

The Beatles in Liverpool

Liverpool, Global Art City

Critical Thinking in an Age of Fake News and False Information