Eötvös Loránd University Summer School

Past courses

Fighting Disinformation

From Dragons to Transformers and the Olympics: Popular Culture and World Politics

The Legacy and the Innovations of Sándor Ferenczi and Other Remarkable Hungarian Psychoanalists

Sustainability in Practice- From Science to Business

The Mathematical Models of Epidemics and Other Biological Processes

Re-Imagin(in)g Environmental Issues an Interdisciplinary Course on Visual Environmental Communication

The End of Post- Cold War International Consensus and its Consequences

Market-Oriented Translation and Interpreting in the 21st Century

Data Visualization


Urban Imaginaries: Reading Cities From Across the Globe

Introduction to Tools and Methods of Artificial Intelligence

Spirituality and Religions in European Urban Spaces

Highlights of Hungarian Literature, Cinema and Art

Hungary on a Plate: Bitesize History of Hungarian Gastronomy

Neuroanatomy of Motion

Social Traumas Living With Us