Brno, Czech Republic

Spanish for Intercultural Dialogue

when 10 July 2022 - 23 July 2022
language English
duration 2 weeks
credits 3 EC
fee EUR 400

This Summer School is designed for those who are interested in the language and culture of Spanishspeaking countries. The program is focused on communication in the contemporary multicultural world and
its main objective is to establish a productive dialogue between different cultural areas through literary
texts, films and other cultural expressions (music, traditions, etc.). You will find here a complex program to
deepen not only your language skills but also your knowledge of culture, literature and contemporary
history of those countries where Spanish is used as an official language. As you will find out, surprisingly
there are very many historical and cultural ties that link the Hispanic world and our region in Central

• Culture, literature and contemporary history of those countries where Spanish is used as an official
• Intercultural dialogue
• The art of communication
• Getting to know multicultural skills
• Film, music, drama of Spanish authors
• Spanish language skills

Course leader

Athena Alchazidu

Target group

University students

Fee info

EUR 400: The full cost of this programme is €1000. The cost breakdowns as follows:

- tuition fees
- Accommodation in Brno (10-23 July)
- Opening and Closing receptions
- Culture activities around Brno
- Day trip to Prague or Vienna
- 24/7 support
- Social programme

A €100 discount is available for students from partner universities

Students should budget an additional €200-500 depending on their spending habits for food (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and fun "optional" activities in Brno.
EUR 350: discount for partner university students